Category Archives: Blog

An illustration showing the world in night and day in half

Home Monitoring System for Heart Patients

Heart patients, who are living with implanted devices and have to see their doctors often for regular checkups, have got a reason to…
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AI System for Studying Fetal Heart Issues

Japanese scientists found a new AI system which may help to detect abnormalities in fetal hearts. This technology may help to detect heart…
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An image of a trophy used as a post thumbnail

Verily Watch’s Electrocardiogram Technology

Verily has received FDA clearance for watch’s Electrocardiogram technology. It may helps to measure electrical activity of the heart and can be used…
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An illustration showing the symbol of IDEA using a lighted bulb

FDA Approves TEE Camera Device System

Visura Technologies is a startup medical company which receives FDA clearance for TEE Camera Device System. This new system helps to capture high…
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Detect Diabetes and Heart Diseases with Light

According to new research scientists found diabetes and heart diseases can be diagnosed by using a special light. Researchers from netherlands found a…
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Tiny Device to Treat Babies’ Heart Defects

Recently FDA has approved world’s first device to treat heart defects in premature babies without any major surgery. The device is made Abbott…
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Excess Salt Intake and Atrial Fibrillation

In a new research scientists found that too much salt diet could raise your risk for atrial fibrillation. Atrial Fibrillation is an irregular…
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Biodegradable Sensor for Blood Flow Study

Researchers from Stanford have developed a new biodegradable, wireless and battery free sensor which may help to monitor blood flow through artery. By…
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Arterial Calcium & Cardiovascular Disease

According to the new study from the University of California San-Francisco, the researchers found that risk of cardiovascular disease is high when the…
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How Vascular Closure Devices (VCDs) help

The Vascular closure devices or VCDs, as they are commonly called, has introduced an innovative means to improve the condition in patients. It…
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