Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and Diabetics

  • February 3, 2020
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Latest research studies performed at the University of Basel Switzerland reveal some amazing facts about those diabetics who show no symptoms of the disease despite being exposed to a higher level of danger. Amongst these individuals (the ones who demonstrate normal myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography)have a low rate of first manifestation of coronary artery disease as compared to the ones who display an odd MPS{Myocardial Perfusion Study}.The latter are seven times prone to  a  higher rate of development of obvious / silent Coronary artery disease despite receiving treatment. CAD (Coronary artery disease) develops when the chief blood vessels providing our heart with blood, oxygen and nutrition become disfigured.

These research studies were financed by the following companies:

  1. Roche
  2. Pfizer
  3. Takeda
  4. Heider and Co

The results of the study are as follows:

  1. Anomalous Myocardial Perfusion Study was acknowledged in 22 percent patients
  2. MACE(Major Adverse Cardiac Events)happened in 2.9 percent patients who had regular MPS
  3. Ischemia (Inadequate blood supply to the heart)/formation of new scar was seen in 3.2 percent patients
  4. An elevated occurrence of MACE was noticed in patients with abnormal MPS,new scar and ischemia
  5. Regardless of the treatment in patients with an abnormal MPS, it was found that an obvious CAD progression occurred.
  6. Results of the same study that entailed unsystematic choice of patients, propose that a collective invasive and medical approach for silent CAD may decrease scintigraphic but not symptomatic CAD development as compared to medical therapy only. {Scintigraphy is a diagnostic technique in which a two dimensional picture of an organ is produced}

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