Author Archives: admin

The Importance of Echocardiogram Test

If you are incapable to get your echocardiogram done, you still have got an extensive way to walk off before receiving any treatment…
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Samsung WS80A Ultrasound for Women

Samsung Electronics America has launched the Samsung WS80A with best presentation package, its most important ultrasound product for women's healthcare premeditated to modernize exam workflows…
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Studying Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a very complex autoimmune disease that is more usually referred to as SLE or lupus. It can have an effect…
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Smartphone ECG vs. Standard ECG Reading

The fundamental type of ECG is known as a 3-lead electrocardiogram since it uses only three electrodes to generate the tracing that is used…
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