Second Opinion

Cardiology Second Opinion

Smart Telecardiology provides two types of ‘Second Opinion’ services. 

Second Opinion on Cardiac studies

Our Telecardiology Team peer review an already reported cardiac studies such as echocardiograms, ECG/EKGs, vascular ultrasound studies, coronary angiograms etc and provide a second report. This is useful to ensure proper diagnosis.

Second Opinion on Cardiac Reports/Symptoms

Our Cardiologists will review the medical reports along with current symptoms, current medication and clinical history and provide a second opinion on the treatment plan.

How it Works

We believe in keeping things simple. We have a straight forward 3 step processes to deliver your business plan to you in an electronic format:

Step 1: Information gathering

We work as a team with you to finalise your business plan. That means we need to understand your business and your intentions for future development. We gather this information by asking you to complete an in-depth questionnaire.

 Step 2: Preparation of plan

As you know your business best, we believe this is the ideal way to develop your plan. We combine the information you provide with our experience and technique to fill in the gaps and develop the tailor made plan for your business venture.

 Step 3:  Completion

You receive complete rights to the plan we produce for you at the end of the process which generally takes only 10 days. We will make any clarifications, alterations and corrections for a period of 30 days after the delivery of the initial completed plan. Why wait – we can get started with your business plan right away!