Author Archives: admin

Thallium Scan for Coronary Artery Diseases

Exercise stress testing has been the standard examination in the diagnosis of coronary artery diseases. During exercise, myocardial blood flow increases to meet…
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Why Coronary Calcium Scan is Vital

Caring for the heart Heart scans or coronary calcium scans, are used to provide images of the arteries of the heart, or coronary…
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ct scan

Hike in CT Scans due to High Prescription Rates

“Clinical examination is a fading art” this statement is true regarding the present scenario of medical practice. So much hike in the number…
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congenital heart disease

Detecting Congenital Heart Disease in Kids

Congenital heart disease is one of the main defects found in the new-born babies. These are caused by the abnormal development of heart…
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